1. 策略管理 2. 國際企業 3. 科技管理
1. 策略管理
2. 國際企業
3. 組織理論
4. 科技管理
2. 國際企業
3. 組織理論
4. 科技管理
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美國德州農工大學 企管博士 |
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assistant professor University of Northern Iowa |
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10. Horng,C., Tswei,K. & Chen,W. (2009). Exploitation and exploration: Learning through key buyers and overseas subsidiaries. Asia Pacific Management Review 14,1:47-67 (TSSCI). |
09. Horng, C. & Chen, W. (2008) From contract manufacturing to own brand management: the role of learning and cultural heritage identity. Management and Organization Review, 4:109-133.(SSCI). |
08. Horng,C.(2006) An empirical study of knowledge transfer and knowledge reciprocation in Taiwanese manufacturing industry.Asia Pacific Management Review.(TSSCI),11,1:433-445. |
07. 洪清德(2004)使命感,客戶網路和供應商網路:影響我國電子資訊業代工和自有品牌策略抉擇因素的探討.管理學報(TSSCI),第二十一卷,第四期 : 451-476. |
06. 簡俊成,洪清德(2003)外部知識移轉之研究—以台灣上市上櫃製造業公司為例,管理學報(TSSCI),第二十卷,第五期:929-964. |
05. 陳明晃,賴佑哲,洪清德(2002)海外籌設醫院的策略與經驗—以嘉義基督教醫院在寮國籌設醫院為例,醫務管理,3,2:13-22. |
04. Horng, C. & Huarng, F(2002) TQM adoption by hospitals in Taiwan, Total Quality Management, 13, 4:441-463. (SSCI). |
03. Horng, C.(2002) Performance implications of social network, strategy, and citizenship behavior: An empirical study of Taiwanese hospitals. 管理學報(TSSCI),第十九卷,第二期:355-387. |
02. Huarng, F., Horng, C.&Chen, C.(1999)A study of ISO 9000 process, motivation and performance, Total Quality Management, 10, 7:1009-1025.(SSCI) |
01. Horng, C.(1993) Cultural difference, trust, and their relations with business strategy and control. Advances in International Comparative Management, Vol.8:175-197, JAI Pres |
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17. Horng, C. 2020. Social Change through Art: A Photo Analysis of the Cloud Gate Dance Theater of Taiwan. Paper to be presented at the 15th International Conference on the Arts in Society, Iune 24-26. Galway, Ireland. |
16. Horng, C. 2019. From Taiwan to Vietnam: Case Study and Photo Analysis for Responsible Leadership in Rising Economies. Paper presented at AOM Responsible Leadership in Rising Economies Conference, October, 23-25, Bled, Slovenia. |
15. Horng, C. 2017. Passing the torch: The story of the Cloud Gate Dance Theater of Taiwan. Paper presented at the 2017 AAOM & TAOM Conference, June 20-21, Fukuoka, Japan. |
14. Horng, C. 2014.Cloud Gate: Dance the world to a better place. Paper presented at the 2014 IACMR Conference, June 18-22, Beijing, China. |
13. Horng, C. 2012. Reaching for the future and reclaiming the past: Cross-strait cooperation between firms in Taiwan and China. Paper presented at the SMS Special Conference on China, Guangzhou, China, Dec 14-16, 2012 |
12. Horng, C. & Chien, C.C. 2011. Learning and Cultural Heritage Identity: A Dual-Perspective View of Value Chain Upgrading by Firms in Taiwan. Best Conference Paper Award. Paper presented at the 2011 TAOM Conference, September, 24, Taipei, Taiwan |
11. Horng, C. 2010. Learning, identity, and government:How Chinese firms team up with Taiwanese firms to reclaim the home market. Paper presented at the 2010 IACMR Conference, June 16-20, Shanghai, China. |
10. Horng, C., Chen, W. & Hsu, K. 2008, Old root and new faces: The effect of cultural heritage, identity, and learning on upgrading value chain activity. Pager presented at the 6th Asia Academy of Management conference, Taipei, Taiwan. |
09. Horng, C., 2006, From manufacturing to own brand management: A study of firm performance in Taiwan. Paper presented at IACM annual conference, Nanjing, China. |
08. Horng, C. & Hsu,K. 2003, How network learning influences Taiwanese firms performance in manufacturing, new product development and brand management, Paper presented at Strategic Management in Emerging Economies Conference, Hong Kong, Dec 18&19,2003. |
07. Horng, C. 2002, Exploitation and exploration: Achieving learning benefits through internal network and external network. Paper presented at 22nd Annual International Conference of Strategic Management Society, Paris, France. |
06. Horng, C. 2001, Knowledge transfer and knowledge creation through identity, buyer relations and organizational similarity. Paper presented at 2001 中華民國科技管理研討會, 國立台灣大學, 台北. |
05. Horng, C. 2000, Learning scope and knowledge creation. Paper presented at the 12th International Conference on Comparative Management, 國立中山大學, 高雄. |
04. Horng, C. 1999, Performance implications of citizenship behavior, strategy and network: A multilevel study of the health care industry in Taiwan, 1999科技管理研討會, 國立中山大學, 高雄. |
03. 1999年,〈使命感,供應商網路,客戶網路:影響我國電子資訊產業代工和自創品牌策略抉擇因素的探討〉,第一屆亞太管理學術研討會,國立成功大學,台南。 |
02. 1998年,〈TQM adoption as organizational adaptation: a multilevel study of the health care Industry In Taiwan〉,非營利事業研討會,國立中山大學,高雄 。 |
01. 1997年,〈國際化策略和本土化策略 :我國12家廠商自創品牌的經驗 ,第一屆國際企業研討會〉,國立暨南大學。 |