莊世杰 Chuang Shih Chieh
(05)2720411 ext34320
- Cheng, Y., Chuang, S., Hung, C. and Weng, S. (accepted). What triggers travel spending? – The impact of prior spending on additional unplanned purchases" . Journal of Travel Research. (SSCI: Ranking top 1 in Tourism and Hospitality Journals).journal impact factor 10.982
- Wang, S., Cheng, Y.H., Lee, E. C., and Chuang, S.C. (2018 online). The Endowment Effect: Deciding for Oneself versus Deciding for Others. Psychological reports. (SSCI).
- Cheng, Y.H., Chuang, S.C., and Huang, C.J. (2018) The Effects of Consumer Emotion on Nine-Ending Prices, NTU Management Review. 28, 1-42. TSSCI
- Huang, C.J., Chuang, S., and Wu. P. (accepted). Fit or not? Bringing Regulatory Fit into the Frame on Health Food Preferences. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics. SSCI
- Cheng, Y., Chuang, S., Yu, A.P., and Lia, W., (accepted). Change in Your Wallet, Change Your Choice: The Effect of the Change-Matching Heuristic on Choice, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services SSCI
- Lee, E., Chuang, S., Chiu, C., and Lan, K. (2017, Sep). The Influence of Task Difficulty on Context Effect-Compromise and Attraction Effect. Current Psychology, 36, 392-409 (SSCI).
- Cheng, Y.H., Chuang, S.C., Cheng, C.J., and Cheng, W.Y. (2016).The Boundary Conditions of the Nine-Ending Pricing Effect in Different Evaluation Modes:Separate, Joint and Sequential. NTU Management Review. 26, 73-106. TSSCI
- Huang, C.J., Cheng, Y.H., Chuang, S. and Kuo,K. (2016). Framing makes tourists more environmentally conservative. Annals of Tourism Research (SSCI: Ranking top 1 in Tourism and Hospitality Journals), 61, 242-244..journal impact factor 2.275, 5 year impact factor 3.882.
- Cheng, Y. H., Chang, C. J., Chuang, S. C., & Liao, Y. W. (2015, Online). Guilt No Longer a Sin: The Effect of Guilt in the Service Recovery Paradox. Journal of Service Theory and Practice (SSCI)。
- Cheng, Y.H., Huang, M., Chuang, S.C., and Ju, Y. R. (2015). Burger or Yogurt? Indulgent Consumption in Impression Management Contexts, International Journal of Psychology, 50, 345-53, SSCI.
- Cheng, Y.H., Chuang, S.C., Cheng, C.J., and Cheng, W.Y. (2014, accepted).The Boundary Conditions of the Nine-Ending Pricing Effect in Different Evaluation Modes:Separate, Joint and Sequential. NTU Management Review. TSSCI
- Kao, D. T., Chuang, S.C., and Wang, S.-M., and Zhang, L. (2013). Message framing in social networking sites. Cyberpsychology, Behavior and Social Networking, 16, 753-60. SSCI
- Huang, M.C, Wu, H., Chuang, S.C., and Lin, W. (2014). Who Gets to Decide Your Complaint Intentions? The Influence of Other Companions on Reaction to Service Failures, International Journal of Hospitality Management 37, 180-189. SSCI (Corresponding author)
- Cheng, Yin-Hui, Yen, H. R., Chuang, S.C., and Cheng, C.J.(2013). Product option framing under the influence of a promotion versus prevention focus. Journal of Economic Psychology, 39-402-413. SSCI
- Cheng, Y.H., Chang, S.S., Chuang, S.C., and, Yu. M.W. (2012). The impact of purchase quantity on the compromise effect: The balance heuristic, Journal of Judgment and Decision Making. 7, 499-512. SSCI.
- Cheng, Y. H., Chuang, S.C., Huang, M. C. J., Hsieh, W.C. (2012). More than two choices: The influence of context on the framing effect, Current Psychology, 31, 325 - 334. SSCI.
- Cheng, Y.H., Kao, T.D., Chuang, S.C., and Chen, S. H. (2013). The effect of regulatory focus on conformity behavior. NTU Management Review. 24, 207-231.TSSCI.
- Chuang, S. C., Cheng, Y. H., and Hsu, C. H. (2012). The influence of suggestions of reference groups in the compromise effect. Journal of Economic Psychology. 33, 554-565. SSCI
- Chuang, S. C., Cheng, Y. H., Chang, C. J., and Jiang, Y. T. (2013). The impact of self-confidence on the compromise effect, International Journal of Psychology, 48(4), 660-675. SSCI
- Chuang, S. C. (2013). Time pressure and the endowment effect. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 43, 4313-4323. SSCI.
- Chuang, S.C., Kao, D. T., Cheng, Y. H., and Chou, T. A. (2012). The effect of incomplete information on the compromise effect, 7, 196-206. Journal of Judgment and Decision Making, 7, 196-206. SSCI.
- Cheng, Y. H., Chuang, S.C., Wang, S.M., and Kuo, S. Y. (2013). The effect of companion’s gender on impulsive purchasing: the moderating factor of cohesiveness and susceptibility to interpersonal influence. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 43,227-236. SSCI. (Corresponding author)
- Chuang, S.C., Cheng, Y. H., Wang, S.M., and Cheng, S. Y. (2013). The impact of the opinions of others on variety-seeking behavior. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 43, 917-927. SSCI.
- Chang, C. C., Chuang, S.C., Cheng, Y. H., and Huang, T. Y. (2012). The compromise effect in choosing for others. Journal of Behavioral Decision Making. 25, 109-122. SSCI. (Corresponding author)
- Chuang, S.C., Cheng, Y. H., Chang, C. J., and Yang, S. W. (2012). The effect of service failure types and service recovery on customer satisfaction: Mental accounting perspective. The Service Industries Journal, 32, 257-271. SSCI.
- Ling, I L., Chuang, S.C., and Hsiao, C. H. (2012). The effects of self-diagnostic information on risk perception of internet addiction disorder: Self-positivity bias and online social support. 42, 2111-2136. Journal of Applied Social Psychology. SSCI
- Cheng, Y. H., Kuan, F. Y., Chuang, S.C., and Huang, C. C. (2011). The Effects of Consumers’ Incidental Emotions on Their Perceptions of Advertised Reference Prices. Management Review (in Chinese), 30(4), 93-115 TSSCI. (Corresponding author)
- Chuang, S.C., Cheng, Y. H., Chang, C. J., and Huang, M. C. (2012). The fluency of consumer incidental emotion on nine-ending prices. Advances in Consumer Research, 39, 行銷類期刊排名第12 * (among 50) (SSCI in 2005)
- Chuang, S.C., Cheng, Y. H., Wang, S. M., and Huang, K. S. (2012). The Endowment Effect: Deciding for Oneself versus Deciding for Others. Advances in Consumer Research, 39, 行銷類期刊排名第12 * (among 50) (SSCI in 2005)
- Chuang, S.C., Cheng, Y. H., Huang, C. C., and Lee, S. C. (2011). The effect of evaluation mode on nine-ending price perception: Separate, Joint, and Sequential Evaluation, Advances in Consumer Research, 38, 行銷類期刊排名第12 * (among 50) (SSCI in 2005)
- Su, H. J., Chang, C. J., and Chuang, S. C. (2010). The effect of corporate image as an affect heuristic on investors' decision making. Asia Pacific Management Review, 15,453-476. TSSCI.
- Cheng, Y. H., Kuan, F. Y., Chuang, S.C., and Ken, Y. (2010). Profitability decided by patent quality? An empirical study of the U.S. semiconductor industry. Scientometrics, 82(1), 175-183. SSCI. (Corresponding author)
- Sun, Y. C., Chuang, S.C., and Cheng, Y. H. (2010). The effect of product familiarity on price discount framing, Advances in Consumer Research, 37,935-937. 行銷類期刊排名第12 * (among 50) (SSCI in 2005)
- 莊世杰、鄭尹惠、王穗敏 (2010),產品來源國效應在衝動性購買的影響。企業管理學報,88,23-38.
- Chuang, S.C., Tsai, C. C., Cheng, Y. H., and Sun, Y. C. (2009). The Effect of terminologies on attitude toward advertisements and brands-consumer product knowledge as a moderator, Journal of Business Psychology, 24, 485-491. SSCI.
- Chuang, S. C., Kung, C. Y., Cheng, Y. H., and Yu, S. L. (2009). The effects of nine-ending prices and the need for cognition in price cognition. Advances in Consumer Research, 36, 973-974. 行銷類期刊排名第12 * (among 50) (SSCI in 2005)
- Sun, Y. C., Lin, C. H., Chuang, S. C., and Cheng, Y. H. (2009). The moderating effect of product familiarity on the endowment effect, Advances in Consumer Research, 36, 974-975. 行銷類期刊排名第12 * (among 50) (SSCI in 2005)
- Yen, H. R. and Chuang, S. C. (2008). The effect of incidental affect on preference for the status quo, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 36 (4), 522-537. (Corresponding author) SSCI. 行銷類期刊排名第5* (among 50)
- Lin, C. H., Sun, Y. C., Chuang, S. C., and Su, H. J. (2008). Time pressure and the compromise and attraction effects in choice. Advances in Consumer Research, 35, 348-352. 行銷類期刊排名第12 * (among 50) (SSCI in 2005)
- Chuang, S. C., Kung, C. Y., and Sun, Y. C. (2008). The effects of emotion on variety-seeking behavior. Social Behavior and Personality, 36(3), 425-432. SSCI
- Chuang, S. C., Kao, D. T., Wu, P. H., and Tsai, C. C. (2007). Aspiration and the compromise effect. Psychological Reports, 101, 1179-1188. SSCI.
- Lin, C. H., Wu, P. H., Chuang, S. C., and Kao, D. T. (2007). Price as quality or sacrifice cur: Role of goal orientation, Asian Journal of Social Psychology, 10, 179-187. SSCI.
- Lin, H. M., Kao, D. T., and Chuang, S. C. (2007). Effect of perceived benefits on reluctance to trade. Psychological Reports, 100, 817-826. SSCI
- Chuang, S. C. and Yen, H. R. (2007). The impact of a product's country-of-origin on compromise and attraction effects. Marketing Letters, 18, 279-291. SSCI. 行銷類期刊排名第11*(among 50)
- Chuang, S.C. (2007). Sadder-but-wiser or happier-an-smarter? A demonstration of judgment and decision making. Journal of Psychology, 141, 63-76. SSCI
- Chuang, S.C., and Lin, H. M. (2007). The effect of induced positive and negative emotion and openness-to-feeling in student’s consumer decision making. Journal of Business and Psychology, 22, 65-78. SSCI
- Chuang, S. C. and Chang, C. L.(2007). The effects of mood and openness-to-feeling trait on choice. Social Behavior and Personality, 35, 351-358. SSCI
- Chuang, S.C. (2007). The effects of emotions on the purchase of tour commodities. Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing, 22, 1-13. SSCI
- 莊世杰、蘇宏仁、張佳榮 (2007)「品牌熟悉度、促銷訊號及認知需求在折扣效果中的干擾角色」,輔仁管理評論,14,1-18。
- Lin, C. H., Yen, H. R., and Chuang, S.C. (2006). The effects of emotion and need for cognition on consumer choice involving Risk. Marketing Letters, 17, 47-60. SSCI. 行銷類期刊排名第11*(among 50) (Corresponding author)
- Lin, C. H., Chuang, S.C., and Kung, C. Y. (2006). The presence of reference price: How value can appear convergent to buyers and sellers. Advances in Consumer Research, 33, 273-241. (Corresponding author) 行銷類期刊排名第12 * (among 50) (SSCI in 2005)
- Lin, C. H., Chuang, S. C., Kao, D. T., and Kung, C. Y. (2006). The role of emotions in the endowment effect. Journal of Economic Psychology, 27, 589-597(Corresponding author) SSCI
- Lin, C. H., Kao, D. T., Chuang, S. C. (2006). The persuasiveness of framed commercial messages: A note on marketing implications for the airline industry. Journal of Air Transportation Management, 12, 204-206. SSCI
- 莊世杰、龔昶元,(2006),「當期利益最大與長期利益最大化之間的選擇:個人決策中框飾效果與冒險傾向的影響」,管理學報, 23,195-208。TSSCI
- Kung, C. Y., Yan, T. M. Chuang, S. C., and Wang, J. R. (2006). Applying grey relational analysis to assess the relationship among service quality, customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. IEEE CIS-RAM, Conference Proceedings. EI
- Kung, C. Y., Yan, T. M., and Chuang, S. C. (2006). GRA to asses the operating performance of non-life insurance companies in Taiwan, The Journal of Grey System, 18, 155-160. SCI, Since 2011
- Chuang, S. C. and Kung, C. Y. (2005). The effects of emotions in risk-taking. The Journal of American Academy of Business, Cambrideg, 6(2), 113-117.
- Lin, C. H. and Chuang, S. C. (2005). The effect of individual differences on adolescents’ impulsive buying behavior. Adolescence, 40, 551-558, (Corresponding author) SSCI
- 莊世杰、孫衙聰、葉穎蓉、龔昶元、賴志松、許秉瑜 (2005),「一個ERP系統之建構決定因素的理論探索: 整合制度理論、資源依賴理論、資源基礎理論及交易成本理論之理論模型」,資訊管理學報,12(1),149-170。TSSCI
- 林建煌、莊世杰、龔昶元、賴志松,(2005),「消費者行為中衝動性購買的前因與後果之模型探討」,商管科技季刊,6(1),47~68。
- 莊世杰,2004,「深度匯談促進團隊學習與團隊決策效能之研究」,人力資源管理學報,4,103-133。
- 林孟璋、莊世杰、陳貴英(2004.冬季),「網路零售業顧客忠誠度之研究」,行銷評論,1(2),111-134。
- 莊世杰、賴志松,2004,「企業建構ERP系統之決定因素的理論探索:一個實驗研究」,電子商務學報,6,193-219。TSSCI
- 林建煌、黃同圳、莊世杰,2003,「一個整合人力資源、組織脈絡與持續性競爭優勢的策略性人力資源管理架構:資源基礎觀點」,商管科技季刊,4,57-70。
- 莊世杰、楊仁壽、黃俊祥,2002,「受訓動機與訓練評量三個層次之關係研究」,管理評論,21, 81-102。TSSCI
- 楊仁壽、莊世杰,2001,「動態決策案例中標的設定與策略輔助效果」,中山管理評論,9, 221-243。TSSCI *資料來源: Hult, G.T.M., Reimann, M., and Schike, O. (2009). Worldwide faculty perceptions of marketing journals: Rankings, trends, comparisons, and segmentation, Global Edge Business Review, 3(3), 1-10.
- Lee, C., Wang, H., Cheng, Y., and Chuang, S. (2019/10). Does Rejection Make You Feel Better? The Influential Role of Choice Type in Post-purchase Regret, Association for Consumer Research, Atlanta, GA
- Lee, C., Wang, H., Cheng, Y., and Chuang, S. (2019/10). The Influence of Reference-price Ads’ Formats on Consumers’ Price Perceptions and Buying Intentions. Association for Consumer Research, Atlanta, GA
- Chuang, S.H. and Cheng, Y.H. (2018 /10). Choice, Rejection, and Context Effects Association for Consumer Research, Dallas, TX.
- Chuang, S.H. and Cheng, Y.H. (2018 /10). Consistent Price Endings Increase Consumers Perceptions of Cheapness, Association for Consumer Research, Dallas, TX.
- Chuang, S.H., Cheng, Y.H., and Lee, C. (2015/10). My Imperfection Only Keeping within Myself – the Self Negatively-Accepted Bias, Association for Consumer Research, New Orleans, LA
- Chuang, S.H., Cheng, Y.H., Lee, C.F., and Chang, S.P. (2014/10). The Influence of Sharing versus Self-use on the Preference for Different Types of Promotional Offers, Association for Consumer Research, Baltimore
- Cheng, Yin-Hui, Shih-Chieh Chuang, Po-Dong Huang, and Sui-Min Wang (2013/10). The Effect of Guilt in the Service Recovery Paradox, Association for Consumer Research, Chicago, IL
- Cheng, Yin-Hui, Shih-Chieh Chuang, and Huang, M.C (2012/10) Burger or Yogurt? The Effect of Private Versus Public Consumption Contexts on Indulgent Behavior. Association for Consumer Research. Vancouver.CA.
- Chuang, Shih-Chieh, Yin-Hui Cheng, Sui-Min Wang, and Kuo-shu Hwang (2011/10). The Endowment Effect: Deciding for Oneself versus Deciding for Others. Association for Consumer Research, St. Louis, MO.
- Chuang, Shih-Chieh, Yin-Hui Cheng, Chih-Cheng Huang, and Shiu-Chu Lee (2010/10). The Effect of Evaluation Mode on Nine-Ending Price Perception: Separate, Joint, and Sequential Evaluation, Association for Consumer Research, Jacksonville.
- Chuang, Shih-Chieh, Yin-Hui Cheng, Ya-Chung Sun, and Sui-Min Wang (2010/10).The Compromise Effect in Choosing for Others, Association for Consumer Research, Jacksonville.
- Sun, Ya-Chung, Shih-Chieh Chuang, and Yin-Hui Cheng (2009) The Effect of Product Familiarity on Price Discount Framing, Association for Consumer Research, Pittsburgh.
- Chuang, Shih-Chieh, Chaang-Yung Kung, Yin-Hui Cheng, and Shu-Li Yu (2008/10). The Effects of Nine-ending Prices and the Need for Cognition in Price Cognition, Association for Consumer Research, San Francisco.
- Sun, Ya-Chung, Chien-Huang Lin, Shih-Chieh Chuang, Yin-Hui Cheng, (2008/10). The Moderating Effect of Product Familiarity on the Endowment effect, Association for Consumer Research, San Francisco.
- Lin, Chien-Huang, Ya-Chung Sun, Shih-Chieh Chuang, and Hung-Jen Su, (2007/9). Time Pressure and the Compromise and Attraction Effects in Choice, Association for Consumer Research, Memphis.