


兼 管理學院院長




研究室 437


1. 組織發展 2. 訓練發展 3. 人力資源發展 4. 生涯發展


1. 人力資源管理 Human Resource Management (大學部、碩士班)
2. 人力資源管理理論 Human Resource Management (博士班)
3. 工商心理學、訓練與發展、組織溝通
3. 質性研究方法
明尼蘇達大學 人力資源發展博士

國立中正大學助理教授 (1999/08-2002/07)
國立中央大學助理教授 (2002/08-2003/01)
國立中正大學助理教授 (2003/02-2004/07)
國立中正大學副教授 (2004/08-2008/07)
國立中正大學教授 (2008/08 ~~ 迄今)
國立中正大學教授兼任系主任 (2012/08-2018/07)

1. 國內外期刊論文審查
2. 國內TSSCI期刊編輯委員
3. 國科會管一學門初審委員(2001~~迄今)
4. 國科會管一學門複審委員(2010-2012)
5. 考試院102年公務人員升官等考試命題兼閱卷委員
6. 考試院107年高等考試命題兼閱卷委員
7. 教育部中部辦公室,高中校長考評辦法研究 (2001-2002)
8. 台北市政府勞工局,生涯諮商輔導服務 (2001)
9. 嘉義市國民小學校長甄選口試委員(2009)


1.中正大學教師兼任行政工作績優人員 (2014)
2.中正大學年度研究獎勵 (2004-2018)
3.中正大學管院暨校級教師優良教學獎 (2010)
4.中正大學管院傑出研究獎 (2011)
5.教育部學海築夢海外專業實習獎助金 (2011)
6.管理學報年度論文獎 (2013)
7. 2013台灣商管與資訊研討會,指導學生論文佳作
8.第五屆聯電經營管理論文獎佳作 (2015)
9. 光華管理基金會,2022數位轉型教學個案優良獎
10. 2009 Emerald Outstanding Paper Awards ( paper published in Journal of Knowledge Management)

1. 家族企業接班與創新:默會知識傳承觀點(110-2410-H-194-050-),行政院科技部,民國110年08月至111年07 月。計畫經費核定金額 $ 600,000。
2. 專家智識與直覺決策:情境學習、內隱學習與默會知識傳承應用(109-2410-H-194-030-),行政院科技部,民國109年08月至110年07 月。計畫經費核定金額 $ 364,000。
3. 實務智慧與決策:組織敘說故事觀點(108-2410-H-194-069-),行政院科技部,民國108年08月至109年07 月。計畫經費核定金額 $ 364,000。
4. 實務社群中之釋意歷程與實務智慧之應用(107-2410-H-194-095),行政院科技部,民國107年08月至108年07 月。計畫經費核定金額 $ 525,000 。
5. 知識、實務智慧與創新實踐(106-2410-H-194-090),行政院科技部,民國106年08月至107年07 月。計畫經費核定金額 $ 592,000 。
6. 默會知識與瞬時競爭優勢:從實務社群到組織學習 (105-2410-H-194-091-),行政院科技部,民國105年08月至106年07 月。計畫經費核定金額 $ 568,000 。
7. 補助人文及社會科學研究圖書計畫規畫主題:人力資源管理(105-2420-H-194-007-2E),行政院科技部,民國105年06月至106年05 月。計畫經費核定金額 $ 3,040,000 。
8. 「切割」或「整合」孰者有利於「世代涉入」?不同家族企業治理形態下,世代涉入成員的認同歷程敘說(104-2410-H-265-003-),行政院科技部,民國104年08 月至105年07 月。計畫經費核定金額 $ 341,951 (協同主持人)。
9. 榮耀家族或成自己?台灣中小型家族企業衝突歷程之敘說研究(103-2410-H-265-004-),行政院科技部,民國103 年08 月至104 年07 月。計畫經費核定金額 $ 329,000 (協同主持人)。
10. 專家智識傳承、移轉與創新:情境學習觀點與組織敘說(102-2410-H-194-077-MY3),行政院科技部,民國102 年08 月至105 年07 月。多年期計畫經費核定金額 $1,685,000。
11. 組織敘說故事、釋意、學習與創新,行政院國家科學委員會,民國99 年08 月至102 年07 月。(NSC 99-2410-H-194-010-MY3)多年期計畫經費核定金額 $2,137,000。
12. 組織實務社群與創新:情境學習觀點下的個人、團隊與組織學習歷程,行政院國家科學委員會,民國96 年08 月至99 年07 月。(NSC 96-2416-H-194-002-MY3)多年期計畫經費核定金額 $2,103,000。
13. 行動研究取向的組織發展介入策略:讚賞式的探詢,行政院國家科學委員會,民國95 年08 月至96 年07 月。(NSC 95-2416-H-194-006-),計畫經費核定金額$583,000。
14. 組織因素與組織學習文化對知識管理效能與組織創新績效之影響,行政院國家科學委員會,民國94 年08 月至95 年07 月。(NSC 94-2416-H-464-001),計畫經費核定金額 $625,000 (協同主持人)。
15. 組織發展、學習與創新:組織實務社群之研究,行政院國家科學委員會,民國94 年08 月至95 年07 月。(NSC 94-2416-H-194-019),計畫經費核定金額$550,000。
16. 探討TQM 與工作環境對組織創新績效影響之研究:知識管理觀點,行政院國家科學委員會,民國94 年08 月至95 年07 月。(NSC 94-2416-H-464-001),計畫經費 $435,000 (協同主持人)。
17. 行動學習導向的管理發展與組織學習之研究,行政院國家科學委員會,民國93年08 月至94 年07 月。(NSC 93-2416-H-194-033),計畫經費核定金額 $531,400。
18. 組織流程整合、組織學習與企業競爭優勢之研究:動態能力觀點,行政院國家科學委員會,民國93 年08 月至94 年07 月。(NSC 93-2416-H-464-001),計畫經費 $216,000 (協同主持人)。
19. 飛宏科技公司組織診斷專案,飛宏科技股份有限公司,民國92 年10 月至93年04 月。專案計畫金額 $600,000。
20. 組織發展介入技術之研究:高科技業的組織學習,行政院國家科學委員會,民國92 年08 月至93 年07 月。(NSC 92-2416-H-194-028),計畫經費核定金額$381,300。
21. 管理發展與組織績效之研究:職能導向管理才能發展,行政院國家科學委員會,民國91 年08 月至93 年07 月。(NSC 91-2416-H-194-036),計畫經費核定金額$407, 200。
22. 學習型組織重要特質、構面及評量指標之研究,行政院國家科學委員會,民國90 年08 月至93 年07 月。(NSC 90-2416-H-194-025-SSS),計畫經費核定金額$359,600。
23. 裕隆汽車公司員工滿意度調查,裕隆汽車公司,民國90年07月至91年03 月。
24. 生涯諮商輔導服務,台北市政府勞工局,民國90 年07 月至90 年12 月。
25. 職涯管理師培訓,中華民國生涯成長協會,民國90 年07 月至91 年06 月。
26. 漢翔公司民營化組織診斷,漢翔公司,民國90 年03 月至91 年10 月。
27. 鑫林玻璃公司組織診斷專案,鑫林玻璃公司,民國90 年03月至91 年06 月。
28. 高中校長考評辦法研究,教育部中部辦公室,民國90 年03 月至91年05 月。
29. 教育訓練績效評估之研究: 從訓練到績效改進,行政院國家科學委員會,民國89 年08 月至93 年07 月。
30. 檢測壽險行銷專業人士道德標準之落差:一個跨四國之研究,行政院國家科學委員會,民國89 年08 月至93 年07 月。(協同主持人)
31. 中小企業學習型組織,教育部,民國89 年08 月至90 年07 月。
32. 微星科技公司工作說明書建製,微星科技公司,民國89年07月至89年09 月。
33. 文德光學公司組織診斷,中華民國管科學會,民國89年06月至89年08 月。
1.Bella Ya-hui Lien,& Hsu, Y.C. (2017/06/20-2017/06/21), 台灣企業員工協助方案下企業志工之助人經驗, 2017, The 10th Asia Academy of Management Conference (AAOM), Fukuoka, Japan.
2.Hsu, P. H., Ya-Hui Bella Lien, Kuo, Y. M., & Wang, T.L. (2011/8/12-2011/8/16), An appreciative intervention approach in enhancing team effectiveness. 2011 Annual Meeting of Academy of Management (AOM), San Antonio, Texas, United States.
3.Chien-Tao Li, Yu-Jui Chou, and Ya-Hui Bella Lien (2011/8/12-2011/8/14), Is Appreciative Inquiry Thinking Training also Effective in Virtual Environment? The 5th International Conference on Management and Service Science (MASS 2011), Wuhan, China.
4.Hsu, P. H., & Lien, Y. H. B. 2010. The process of forming positive team affective tone in work teams, Asia Academy of Management 2010 conference, Macau.
5.Tz-Li Wang and Ya-Hui Bella Lien (2010/8/17-2010/8/20), Organizational Learning: Knowledge Flows and Organizational Structure, 2010 Annual Meeting of International Academy of Business and Economics (IABE), Las Vegas, Nevada, United States. (Accepted for presentation as an Interactive Paper)
6.Tz-Li Wang and Ya-Hui Bella Lien (2010/4/15-2010/4/18), Does Appreciative Inquiry work? The Influence of Appreciative Inquiry Facilitator on Team Effectiveness, 2010 Annual Meeting of Australia and New Zealand International Business Academy (ANZIBA), Sydney, Australia. (Accepted for presentation as an Interactive Paper)
7.Ya-Hui Bella Lien, Ay, C. R, Yueh-fei Ho, Yu-Jui Chou (2010/06/16-2010/06/20), The Adaptation and Internalization Process of Emotional Labor, The 2010 IACMR Conference, Shanghai, China. (accepted for presentation as an Interactive Paper)
8.Ya-Hui Bella Lien, Yueh-fei Ho, Yu-Jui Chou (2009/09/20-2009/09/22), Does trust facilitate knowledge sharing? The 2009 International Conference on Engineering Management and Service Sciences (EMS 2009) , Beijing, China. (IEEE Catalog Number: CFP0941H-CDR ISBN: 978-1-4244-4639-1 ).
9.Yueh-fei Ho, Ya-Hui Bella Lien (2009/09/23-2009/09/26), Adaptation process and internalization characteristics of emotional labor, The 23rd European Health Psychology Society (EHPS) Conference, Pisa, Italy. (ISSN:0887-0446)
10.Lien, Y. H. B. and Kuo, Y. M. (2009/8/7-2009/8/11), Using Video Data as the Text for Analysis , 2009 Annual Meeting of Academy of Management (AOM), Chicago, Illionis, United States.
11.Lien, Y. H. B., Hsu, P. H., & Li, C.T. 2009. To Advance Team Learning-Appreciative Inquiry in the Team Learning Process , 23rd Annual Conference of the European Health Psychology Society, Italy.
12.Wang Chin-Wen, Lien Ya-Hui Bella, Li Chien-Tao, Hsu Pi-Hui. The Effects of Appreciative Inquiry Thinking Training on Creativity Performance. 2009 Global Busuness & International Management Conference USA, Seattle.
13.Yu-Jui Chou, Chang-Rui Ai, and Ya-Hui Bella Lien, (2008/09), Lifelong learning: A study of the Career Development of Doctoral student, Health Psychology Annual Conference 2008, Bath, United Kingdom. (SSCI, Abstract only)
14.Hung, R. Y. Y., Lien, Bella Ya-Hui, and Kuo, Y. (2008/08/08-2008/08/13), Organizational Learning Culture, Dynamic Capability and Organizational Performance, Academy of Management (AOM) 2008 Annual Meeting, Anaheim, California.
15.Hung, R. Y. Y., Lien, Bella Ya-Hui, and Baiyin Yang. (2008/06/30-2008/07/03), Process alignment, Organizational Learning Culture, Dynamic Capability and Organizational Performance, Academy of International Business (AIB) 2008 Annual Conference, Milan, Italy.
16.Hung, Richard Yu Yuan, Ya-Hui Bella Lien, Baiyin Yang, Yueh-Fei Ho, and Tz-Li Wang (2008/06/30-2008/07/03), Organizational Process Align Organizational Learning Culture, Dynamic Capability and Organizational Performance, 2008 Annual Meeting of Academy of International Business (AIB), Milan, Italy. (Accepted for presentation as an Interactive Paper)
17.Ya-Hui Bella Lien, Yu-Jui Chou, and Yan-Xie Dai, (2008/06), Constructing the managerial competency model: A case study of Taiwanese Hi-Tech Company, the 3rd International Association for Chinese Management Research (IACMR) Conference, Guangzhou, China.
18.Hung, R. Y. Y., Lien, Bella Ya-Hui, and Kuo, Y. (2007/10/14-2007/10/17), Dynamic Evolvements Of Dynamic Capabilities, Strategic Management Society (SMS) 27th Annual International Conference, San Diego, California, USA.
19.Hung, R. Y. Y., Lien, Bella Ya-Hui, Wu, P., and Kuo, Y. (2007/10/14-2007/10/17), Rethingking Dynamic Capabilities, International Academy of Business and Economics (IABE), Las Vegas, Neveda, USA.
20.YiMu Chen, C. R. Ay, and Lien, Bella Ya-Hui (2007/11/02-2007/11/06). Organizational Boundary Spanners’ Information Exchange Processing with Their Counterparts in Community, 6th Asian Conference of the Academy of Human Resource Development, China Beijing.
21.Lok, P., Rhodes, J., Hung, R. Y. Y., & Lien, Bella Ya-Hui (2007/09/06-2007/09/07), The Effect of Organizational Variables on Knowledge Sharing, Innovations and Organizational Perfromance, 8th European Conference on Knowledge Management (ECKM), Barcelona, Spain.
22.Wu, Kai, Ay, C. R., and Lien, Bella Ya-Hui (2007/02/28-2007/03/04), Psychological Contracts and Organizational Citizenship Behavior: A social network perspective, Academy of Human Resource Development (AHRD) 2007 Conference, Indianapolis, Indiana, USA. (Accepted for oral presentation)
23.Hung, R. Y. Y., and Lien, Bella Ya-Hui (2007/02/28-2007/03/04), Organizational Process Alignment and Dynamic Capabilities in High-Tech Industry, Academy of Human Resource Development (AHRD) 2007 Conference, Indianapolis, Indiana, USA. (Accepted for oral presentation)
24.Hung, R. Y. Y., Lien, Bella Ya-Hui, and Susanty Chang (2006/08/30-2006/09/02), Coping Strategies, Organizational Factors, and Emotional Exhaustion, The 20th European Health Psychology Society (EHPS) Conference, Warsaw, Poland. (accepted for oral presentation)
25.Lien, Ya-Hui Bella, Chou, Y.. and Chi, A. (2006/08/30-2006/09/02), The Severe Winter of Life: A Career Development of Dialysis Patients, The 20th European Health Psychology Society (EHPS) Conference, Warsaw, Poland. (accepted for oral presentation)
26.Hung, R. Y. Y., Yang, B., and Lien, Bella Ya-Hui (2006/08/11-2006/08/16), How Dynamic Capability Influence Organizational Performance: An Empirical Investigation, Academy of Management (AOM) 2006 Annual Meeting, Atlanta, Georgia. (國科會補助機票款、註冊費及生活費)
27.Hung, R. Y. Y., and Lien, Bella Ya-Hui (2006/08/11-2006/08/16), Knowledge as a Facilitator for Enhancing Innovation Performance Through Total Quality Management, Academy of Management (AOM) 2006 Annual Meeting, Atlanta, Georgia.(國科會補助機票款、註冊費及生活費)
28.Hung, R. Y. Y., and Lien, Bella Ya-Hui (2006/08/11-2006/08/16), Impact of TQM and Organizational Learning on Innovation Performance in the High-Tech Industry, Academy of Management (AOM) 2006 Annual Meeting, Atlanta, Georgia.(國科會補助機票款、註冊費及生活費)
29.Lien, Ya-Hui Bella, and Hung, R. Y. Y. (2006/06/23-2006/06/26), Competency-Based Management Development, Academy of International Business (AIB) 2006 Annual Conference, Beijing, China.
30.Lien, Ya-Hui Bella, and Chou, Y. (2006/06/17), Power, Political Behavior and Decision-making Process: A Case Study of Taiwan’s Manufacturing, The 2006 International Conference in Management Science and Decision Making, Taipei: Tamkang University.
31.Hung, R. Y. Y., Lien, Bella Ya-Hui (2006/02/22-2006/02/26), Evaluating the Impact of Knowledge on Total Quality Management, Academy of Human Resource Development (AHRD) 2006 Conference, Columbus, Ohio, USA. (Accepted for presentation)
32.Ay, Chang-Ruey, Lien, Bella Ya-Hui, and Fang, H. (2005/12/05-2005/12/06), Implications of Real Options Theory for HRD Interventions, Asia Conference of Academy of Human Resource Development (TAHRD) 2005 Fourth Conference, Taipei, Taiwan.
33.Chiu, Pe-Song, Lien, Bella Ya-Hui, and Tai, C. (2005/12/05-2005/12/06), Organizational Development: A Learning–Based Perspective, Asia Conference of Academy of Human Resource Development (TAHRD) 2005 Fourth Conference, Taipei, Taiwan.
34.Hung, R. Y. Y., and Lien, Bella Ya-Hui (2005/12/05-2005/12/06), An Empirical Investigation of Organizational Learning Culture through Dynamic Capabilities, Asia Conference of Academy of Human Resource Development (TAHRD) 2005 Fourth Conference, Taipei, Taiwan.
35.Wu, Chi-Min, Ay, C., and Lien, Bella Ya-Hui (2005/12/05-2005/12/06), The Relationships among Social Capital, Organizational Learning, and Innovation Performance: An Empirical Study of Taiwanese Biotechnology Industry, Asia Conference of Academy of Human Resource Development (TAHRD) 2005 Fourth Conference, Taipei, Taiwan.
36.Hung, R. Y. Y., and Lien, Bella Ya-Hui (2005/11/10-2005/11/11), Dynamic Capability: The Impact of Process Alignment and Organizational Learning Culture, Australia and New Zealand International Business Academic (ANZIBA) 2005 Meeting, Melbourne, Australia.(國科會補助機票款、註冊費及生活費)
37.Lien, Ya-Hui Bella, and Hung, R. Y. Y. (2005/08/05-2005/08/10), Organizational Learning as an Organization Development Intervention in Taiwan, Academy of Management (AOM) 2005 Meeting, Honolulu, Hawaii.(國科會補助機票款、註冊費及生活費)
38.Hung, R. Y. Y., and Lien, Bella Ya-Hui (2005/07/09-2005/07/12), Organizational Learning Process: A Case Study of High-Tech Taiwanese Companies, Academy of International Business (AIB) 2005 Conference, Quebec City, Canada.
39.Hung, R. Y. Y., and Lien, Bella Ya-Hui (2005/2/24-2005/2/27), Developing knowledge management (KM): Contributions by organizational learning and total quality management, International Research Conference on Academy of Human Resource Development, Estes Park: Colorado, University of Colorado.
40.Lien, Ya-Hui Bella, Hung, Y.Y., and McLean, N. (2004/11/21-2004/11/23), Organizational Learning as an Organization Development Intervention in Taiwan, Asia Conference of Academic of Human Resource Development (KAHRD), 2004 Third Conference, Seoul, Korea.
41.Lien, Bella Ya-Hui, and Hung, R. Y. Y. (2004/3/4-2004/3/7), Training evaluation: A case study of Taiwanese benchmark companies, Academy of Human Resource Development (AHRD) 2004 Conference, Austin, Texas, USA. (國科會補助機票款、註冊費及生活費)
42.Hung, R. Y. Y. and Lien, Bella Ya-Hui (2004/3/4-2004/3/7), Total quality management practices and their effects on organizational performance, Academy of Human Resource Development (AHRD) 2004 Conference, Austin, Texas, USA.(國科會補助機票款、註冊費及生活費)
43.Lien, Ya-Hui Bella, and Hung, R. Y. Y. (2003), Training evaluation: A performance improvement perspective, The 2003 International Conference in Management Science, Taipei: Tamkang University.
44.Hung, R. Y. Y., and Lien, Bella Ya-Hui (2003), Corporate Competitive Advantage from Managing Process Point of View, The 2003 International Conference on Technology and Management with Special Symposium on Advanced Interactive Systems, Taipei: National Taipei University of Technology.
45.Chiu, P., Lien, Bella Ya-Hui, and Chen, C. Y. (2002/10/28-2002/10/29), Preventing knowledge loss across national boundaries—A case study of an international joint venture in Taiwan, Proceedings of The Human Resource Development in Asia, India, 499-505.
46.Lien, Ya-Hui Bella, and Hung, R. Y. Y. (2003), Training evaluation: A performance improvement perspective, The 2003 International Conference in Management Science, Taipei: Tamkang University.
47.Hung, R. Y. Y., and Lien, Bella Ya-Hui (2003), Corporate Competitive Advantage from Managing Process Point of View, The 2003 International Conference on Technology and Management with Special Symposium on Advanced Interactive Systems, Taipei: National Taipei University of Technology.
48.Chiu, P., Lien, Bella Ya-Hui, and Chen, C. Y. 2002/10/28-2002/10/29), Preventing knowledge loss across national boundaries—A case study of an international joint venture in Taiwan, Proceedings of The Human Resource Development in Asia, India, 499-505.
49.Lien, Ya-Hui Bella, and Hung, R. Y. Y. (2003), Training evaluation: A performance improvement perspective, The 2003 International Conference in Management Science, Taipei: Tamkang University.
50.Hung, R. Y. Y., and Lien, Bella Ya-Hui (2003), Corporate Competitive Advantage from Managing Process Point of View, The 2003 International Conference on Technology and Management with Special Symposium on Advanced Interactive Systems, Taipei: National Taipei University of Technology.
51.Chiu, P., Lien, Bella Ya-Hui, and Chen, C. Y. (2002/10/28-2002/10/29), Preventing knowledge loss across national boundaries—A case study of an international joint venture in Taiwan, Proceedings of The Human Resource Development in Asia, India, 499-505.
52.Lien, Ya-Hui Bella (1999/6/30-1999/7/3), Young college-educated Taiwanese women: Their lived experiences as clerical workers, Proceedings of the International Management Development Association (IMDA), USA, 319-324.
53.Lien, Ya-Hui Bella (1999/6/24-1999/6/25), I am like a small office girl, The meeting of the Fifth Midwest Qualitative Research Conference.
1.連雅慧、周育叡(2006/06/15-2006/6/18),組織內部權力、政治行為與決策歷程之研究—以台灣製造業為例,第二屆中國管理研究國際學會(International Association for Chinese Management Research, IACMR),南京,中國。
2.洪裕原、郭又銘、連雅慧 (2006/05/26),知識分享、社會資本、企業創新對公司績效之影響,第七屆中小企業研討會,嘉義:國立中正大學。
3.周育叡、鄭明仁、洪清德、連雅慧 (2006/05/26),中小企業推行學習型組織之研究—阻力與助力因素之探討,第七屆中小企業研討會,嘉義:國立中正大學。
6.洪裕原、連雅慧、謝孟樺 (2004/06/28),動態能力下的競爭策略:台灣摩斯漢堡之個案研究。2004 年兩岸管理科學暨經營決策學術研討會論文集,貴州大學。
7.連雅慧,洪裕原(2003),教育訓練評估模式之探討:高科技產業之個案研究。中華民國科技管理研討會 – 奈米科技管理之新思維,新竹:國立交通大學科技管理研究所。
9.李旭梅,連雅慧,陸志強(2003),「三明治制度」與組織用人策略之研究— 以飯店為例。第六屆企業經營管理個案研討會,台南:成功大學。
10.艾昌瑞,連雅慧,簡詩宏(2002),重整公司員工壓力感受與留任評估之關係 研究。第五屆企業經營管理個案研討會,台南:成功大學。
13.連雅慧 (2001),組織學習與績效-以台灣一科技公司為例。2001 中華民國科技管理研討會, 台北:台灣大學。
14.劉亞秋,連雅慧 (2001),東隆五金工業股份有限公司—企業重整與在出發。第四屆企業經營管理個案研討會,台南:成功大學。
15.連雅慧,莊鴻德 (2000),學習型組織重要特質之探討。 2000 年中華民國科技管理研討會,新竹科學園區:中華民國科技管理學會,交大科管所。
16.連雅慧,林天佑,蔡素娥 (2000),公營事業約聘僱員工激勵策略之研究。工業關係管理本質與趨勢學術研討會,彰化:行政院勞委會,大業大學工業關係所。
1.Mclean, G., Cho, Y. (Eds.)(2017). Current Perspectives on Asian Women in Leadership. Women Leaders in Asia: An Introduction—A Cross-cultural Analysis. Chapter 10. Lien, Bella Ya-Hui & McLean, G. The power of Taiwanese women in leadership and management. (ISBN:978-3-319-54995-8).
2.Lu, T., Chen, Y., Hung, Y., Lien, Ya-Hui Bella (Eds.)(2005). Human Resource Development in Asian: Innovation, Integration, Globalization. Bowling Green, HO: Academy of Human Resource Development & Taoyuan, Taiwan: Department of Business Administration, Yuan Ze University.
3.高淑清、連雅慧、林月琴譯(2004)/VAN MANEN(1997)原著。探究生活經驗-建立敏思行動教育學的人文科學。嘉義:濤石。
5.連雅慧(2000), 生涯規劃與發展數位教材,天下趨勢知識網路學習趨勢網。
6.Lien, Ya-Hui Bella (1999), Young college-educated Taiwanese women: Their experience as clerical workers. Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Minnesota.
7.Lien, Ya-Hui Bella (1994), Compare the most desirable characteristics of future graduates from human resource development at PSU when interviewing as perceived by the Interviewers of HRD graduates and the instructors in the HRD. MA Dissertation, Pittsburg State University.
1.Lien, Bella Ya-Hui, Hsu, Yen-Chen, Chen, Y. –H. and Chen, L. (2023). The formation of positive group affective tone: A narrative practice, Small Group Research, 54(2), 277-301. https://doi.org/10.1177/10464964221093076 (SSCI, impact factor=2.79, Q1, #64/289 in Social Psychology category )
2.黃銘章,謝佳宏,連雅慧,顏惠結(2023 accepted)。和明紡織導入AI圖形辨識開創新商模,中山管理評論,31(1),(TSSCI) (2022數位轉型教學個案優良獎)
3.紀茂嬌,賴怡樺,連雅慧 (2022)公教分途的實然與應然—以公立大學兼任行政職務 教師校外兼職管規範為焦點之問題建構,教育科學研究期刊,67(2), 155-184。https://doi.org/10.6209/JORIES.202206_67(2).0006 (TSSCI,第一級,國家圖書館公布「111年臺灣學術資源影響力」得獎名單,榮獲「期刊即時傳播獎」教育學學門期刊第1名。)
4.何月妃、連雅慧 (2021)。「有禮」抑或「有理」:飯店櫃台勞動人員服務過程中的情緒轉折與深淺層演出。組織與管理,14(1), 43-77。DOI: 10.3966/199687602021021401002 (TSSCI)
5.陳明晃、艾昌瑞、連雅慧 (2019)。台灣醫管服務西進模式之探討。產業與管理論壇,21(1), 96-112。DOI:10.3966/199582342019032101004 (TSSCI)
6.Wu, T. –Y., Lien, Bella Ya-Hui, Lequerica, A. H., Lu, W.-S., and Hsieh, C. –L.(2019). Development and validation of the occupational therapy engagement scale for patients with stroke, Occupational Therapy International, 2, 1-10. https://doi.org/10.1155/2019/316425 (SCI, impact factor=1.448)
7.Lau, L., McLean, G., Hsu, Y. C. &Lien, Bella Ya-Hui (2017). Learning organization, organizational culture, and affective commitment in Malaysia: A person-organization fit theory, Human Resource Development International (HRDI), 20(2), 159-179. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/13678868.2016.1246306 (SSCI, impact factor=1.268)
8.Lau, L., Jane, L. Y., Tong, J., Lien, Bella Ya-Hui, Hsu, Y. C., and Chong, C. (2017). Ethical work climate, employee commitment and proactive customer service performance: Test of the mediating effects of organizational politics, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 35, 20-26. (SSCI, Impact factor=7.7, Q1, #15/185, Marketing research category)
9.Lau, L., McLean, G., Lien, Bella Ya-Hui, and Hsu, Y. C. (2016). Self-rated and peer-rated organizational citizenship behavior, affective commitment, and intention to leave in a Malaysian context, Personnel Review, 45(3), 569-592. (SSCI, impact factor=3.8, Q1, #49/200 in OBHR category)
10.曾敏雅、吳建明、連雅慧 (2016)。以演化觀點探討中小型家族企業轉型之研究。商管科技季刊,17(3), 317-335。
12.Lu, Wen-Shian, Lien, Bella Ya-Hui, and Hsieh, Ching-Ling (2015). Psychometric properties of the balance computerized adaptive test in residents in long-term care facilities, Archives of Gerontology and Geristrics, 61, 149-153. (SCI)
13.Lien, Bella Ya-Hui, Pauleen, D. , Kuo, Y. M. and Wang, Tz-Li (2014). The rationality and objectivity of reflection in phenomenological research, Quality and Quantity: International Journal of Methodology, 48(1), 189-196. (SSCI, impact factor=3.65, Q1, #20/260 in Social Sciences category )
14.Lien, Bella Ya-Hui, Wang, Tz-Li, and Kuo, Y. M. (2013). The power of using video data, Quality and Quantity: International Journal of Methodology, 47(5), 2933-2941. (SSCI, impact factor=3.65, Q1, #20/260 in Social Sciences category )
15.Chien, C.-C., Lin, H. –C., & Lien, Bella Ya-Hui (2012). Capability contingent: the impact of organizational learning styles on innovation performance, Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, 26(1-2), 14-28. (SSCI, impact factor 3.824, Q1, #17/218 in Business, Management & Accounting)
16.吳建明,連雅慧 (2012)。家族企業接班衍生組織變革、衝突與轉化之歷程研究,管理學報,第29卷3期,279-305頁。(TSSCI, 2012管理學報年度論文獎, 2014第五屆聯電經營管理論文佳作獎)
17.Hung, R. Y. Y., Lien, Bella Ya-Hui, Yang, B.,Wu. C. M., and Kuo, Y. M. (2011). Impact of TQM and Organizational Learning on Innovation Performance in the High-Tech Industry, International Business Review, 20(2), 213-225. (SSCI, correspondent author, impact factor=5.915, Q1, #9/288 in International Business Management category)
21.Wang, Tz-Li., and Lien, Bella Ya-Hui (2011). How to use real option perspective on communities of practice, International Journal of Business Research, 11(3), 176-185.
23.Hung, R. Y., Yang, B., Lien, Bella Ya-Hui, McLean, G. N., and Kuo, Y-M.(2010). Dynamic Capability: Impact of Process Alignment and Organizational Learning Culture on Performance, Journal of World Business, 45(3), 285-294. (SSCI, correspondent author , impact factor=8.513, Q1, #17/399 in Business & International Management Research category)
24.Hung, R. Y. Y., Lien, Bella Ya-Hui, McLean, G. N., and Fang, S- C. (2010). Knowledge as a facilitator for enhancing innovation performance through Total Quality Management, Total Quality Management and Business Excellence, 21(4), 425-438. (SSCI, correspondent author, impact factor 3.824, Q1, #17/218 in Business, Management & Accounting).
25.Wang, Tz-Li., and Lien, Bella Ya-Hui (2010). Organizational learning: Knowledge flows and organizational structure. Review of Business Research, 10(4), 214-232.
26.Wu, C. –M., Ay, C. –R., & Lien, Bella Ya-Hui (2009). The role of social capital and organizational learning in promoting innovation performance, International Journal of Information Systems and Change Management, 4(2), 171-186.
27.Hung, R. Y., Lien, Bella Ya-Hui, McLean, G. N. (2009). Knowledge Management Initiatives, Organizational Process Alignment, Social Capital and Dynamic Capabilities, Advances in Developing Human Resources, 11(3), 320-333. (correspondent author)
28.Rhodes, J., Hung, R. Y.Y., Lok, P., Lien, B. Y- H., & Wu, C- M. (2008). Factors influencing organizational knowledge transfer and sharing- implication for corporate performance, Journal of Knowledge Management, 12(6), 84-100. (SSCI, 2009 Emerald Outstanding Paper Awards/highly recommended paper, impact factor=8.182, Q1, #18/440 in Strategy & Management research category)
29.Lien, Bella Ya-Hui, Hung, R. Y. Y., and McLean, G. N. (2007). Organizational Learning as an Organization Development Intervention in Six High-Technology Firms in Taiwan: An Exploratory Case Study, Human Resource Development Quarterly, 18(2), 211-228. (The scholarly journal focused directly on the evolving field of HRD, 2010 list on the SSCI)
30.Lien, Bella Ya-Hui, Hung, R. Y. Y., and McLean, G. N. (2007). Training Evaluation Based On Cases Of Taiwanese Benchmarked High-Tech Companies, International Journal of Training and Development, 11(1), 35-48.
31.Hung, R. Y. Y., Chung, T., and Lien, Bella Ya-Hui (2007). Organizational Process Alignment and Dynamic Capabilities in High-Tech Industry, Total Quality Management and Business Excellence, 18(9), 1023-1034 (SSCI, correspondent author)
32.Hung, R. Y. Y., Lien, Bella Ya-Hui, Kuo, Y.-M., and Wu, P. J. (2007). Contingencies approach in dynamic capabilities, Review of Business Research, 7(6), 37-49. (correspondent author)
33.連雅慧 (2007)。組織發展、介入干預技術與組織學習,T & D 飛訊,第55期,1-13頁。
34.Lien, Bella Ya-Hui, Chou, J., and Chi, A. (2006). The Severe Winter of Life: A Career Development of Dialysis Patients, Psychology & Health, Vol. 21 (Supplement 1, abstract only), pp. 82. (SSCI)
35.Lien, Bella Ya-Hui, Hung, R. Y. Y., Baiyin Yang, and Li, M. (2006). Is Learning Organization A Valid Concept in Taiwanese Context? International Journal of Manpower, 27(2), 189-203. (SSCI)
36.Lien, Bella Ya-Hui, (2005). Gender, Power, and Office Politics, Human Resource Development International, 8(3), 293-309. (BEI, IBSS, EBSCO, OCLC, PIRA International)
37.Lien, Bella Ya-Hui, (2005). Career Development and the Needs of Young College-Educated Females in Taiwan, Journal of Career Development, 31(3), 209-223. (2004 SSCI Impact Factor 1.167, 2011 SSCI Impact Factor 1.522, 29 out of 73, Applied Psychology)
38.Lien, Ya-Hui Bella, and McLean, N. G. (2004). The Protraits of Taiwanese HR Practitioners Performing HRD Tasks, Human Resource Development International, 7(1), 73-83. (BEI, IBSS, EBSCO, OCLC, PIRA International)
39.連雅慧(2002), 學習型組織構面與組織績效—以台灣一科技公司為例。商管季刊,第三卷,第四期,227-258。
40.連雅慧(2002)。價值觀與道德發展。應用心理研究,第15 期,5-9 頁。
41.連雅慧(2001)。如何以甄選工具提昇人與工作的適配性?應用心理研究,第11 期,7-10 頁。