
游蓓怡 Annie Pei-I Yu


游蓓怡  Annie Pei-I Yu

兼  廣宣委員

(05)2720411 ext34323








  1. 英國愛丁堡大學Business School兼任助教
  2. 國立台北商業技術學院附設專科進修學校兼任講師


  1. Hung, Shin-Yuan, Annie Pei-I Yu and Yi-Chieh Chiu (2018, Jan). Investigating the factors influencing small online vendors’ intention to continue engaging in social commerce. Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce, 28 (1), 9-30. (SCI).
  2. 楊文芬、游蓓怡(2018年06月)。康揚輔具─品牌再造與通路設計的抉擇。產 業與管理論壇,20(2) 86-100。(TSSCI)。
  3. Lin, Kuo-Yi, Annie Pei-I Yu, Pei-Chun Chu and Chen-Fu Chien (2017, Sep). User-experience-based design of experiments for new product development of consumer electronics and an empirical study. Journal of Industrial and Production Engineering , 34(7), 504-519. (TSSCI).
  4. Cheng, Yin-Yui, Annie Pei-I Yu, Molly Chien-Jung Huang and Chia-Jung Dai (2017, Jul). Preference Reversals Between Joint and Separate Evaluations With Multiple Alternatives and Context Effects. Psychological Reports, 120 (6), 1117- 1136.. (SSCI, 98/129 in Psychology).
  5. Kao, Danny Tengti, Lei Zhang, Annie Pei-I Yu and Pei-Hsun Wu (2017, Jun). Do ad metaphors enhance or dilute the consumers' brand preferences? Exploring the moderating role of goal orientation. Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 16(5), 474- 482. (SSCI, 78/121 in Business).
  6. Kao,Danny Tengti, Pei-Hsun Wu and Annie P. Yu (2017, Jan). The impact of construal level on brand preferences: Ad metaphors and brand biography as moderators. Asia Pacific Management Review, 22(1), 52- 59.. (TSSCI, 8/46 in Management (Taiwan)).
  7. Chien, Chen-Fu, Rhoann Kerh, Kuo-Yi Lin, and Annie Pei-I Yu (2016, Jul). Data-driven innovation to capture user-experience product design: An empirical study for notebook visual aesthetics design. Computers & Industrial Engineering , 99, 162-173. (SCI, 28/105 in computer science).
  8. Chien, Chen-Fu, Kuo-Yi Lin, and Annie Pei-I Yu (2014, Jul). User-experience of tablet operating system: an experimental investigation of Windows 8, iOS 6, and Android 4.2. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 73, 75-84.. (SCI, 28/105 in computer science).


  1. Yu, Wen-Yu, Hung, Shin-Yuan, Yu, Annie Pei-I and Yu-Li Hung (2018, Nov). Understanding Social Media Participation Continuance Intention: A Perspective of Friends on Social Media. DSI 49th Annual Meeting, Chicago, Illinois, USA.
  2. Yu, Annie (2018, Jul). A dark side of the consumer–brand relationship: Schadenfreude. 2019 51st Academy of Marketing Annual Conference, University of Stirling, Stirling Scotland, UK.
  3. Yu, Annie Pei-I Cheng, Hsiao jou (2016, Jun). Brand Story Marketing: Its Influence on the Formation of Brand Image, Brand Attitude and Purchase Intention. The Seventh Asian Conference on the Social Sciences, Kobe, Japan.
  4. Yu, Annie Pei-I (2015, Dec). I belong to this community: the role of engagement, identification, and repurchase intention. 2015 International Conference on Kansei Engineering: Sensibility and Rationality, Chang Gung University, New Taipei City, Taiwan. ISBN:978-986-88721-6-5.
  5. Yu, Annie Pei-I and Yang, Irene Wen-Fen (2015, Sep). The Exploration of “Trash Talk” in Brand community and Its Influence on Brand Relationship. 2015 British Academy of Management Conference, Portsmouth, UK. MOST 104-2410-H- 194-087. ISBN: 978-0-9549608-8-9.
  6. Yu, Annie Pei-I and Hsu, Wei-Kung (2014, May). Service wait management and its effects on service evaluation in pre-process of restaurant service. Global Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Management (GEIM) Conference, National Chung-Hsing University, Taiwan.
  7. Yu, Annie P. (2011), “The Emergence of Anti-Brand Communities and Their Influence on Companies and the Other Consumers”, In: Patterson, A. and Oakes, S. (eds) Proceedings of the Academy of Marketing Conference 2011: Marketing Fields Forever, Academy of Marketing, Liverpool, UK
  8. Yu, Annie P. (2009), “The Motivation for Relationship Engagement in the Financial Services Industry: the Consumer’s perspective”, paper presented at 17th International Colloquium on Relationship Marketing (ICRM), Maastricht University, the Netherlands.
  9. Yu, Annie P. (2009), “Relationship Marketing: Consumers’ Motivation for Relationship Engagement”, paper presented at 5th Scottish Doctoral Management Conference, St. Andrews University, UK.
  10. Yu, Annie P. (2008), “The Impact of Financial Service Type on Consumer Relationship Engagement Motives: An Empirical Investigation of Retail Banking Consumers”, paper presented at 2008 Academy of Marketing Annual Conference, Aberdeen, UK.
  11. Yu, Annie P. and Tina Harrison (2006), “Consumer Relationship Marketing: Consumer’s Relationship Behaviour for Different Products in the Same Category,“ paper presented at the Workshop on New Directions in Relationship Marketing, Brussels, Belgium.
  12. Yu, Annie P. (2006), “Consumer Relationship Marketing: Why Consumers Engage in relationships with Companies, paper presented at the 14th International Colloquium on Relationship Marketing (ICRM), Leipzig, Germany.
  13. Yu, Annie P. (2006), “Consumer Relationship Engagement Motives in the Context of Online and Offline Financial Services Relationships,” paper presented at 2006 Academy of Marketing Conference Doctoral Colloquium, London, UK.


  1. Yu, Annie Pei-I and Harrison, Tina. Chapter 9: Financial services customer relationships: meanings, motivations and manifestations . The Routledge Companion to Financial Services Marketing (ISBN: 978-0-415-82914-4). UK: Routledge. Dec, 2014: 133-147.